Social Media Policy

The SEUPB social media accounts will be updated and monitored during normal office hours. Our social media accounts may occasionally be unavailable, during this time we accept no responsibility for lack of service due to this downtime.

The SEUPB are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. By using our social media channels, you agree to the terms of our social media policy below and consent to the SEUPB processing your personal data.

The SEUPB’s presence on social media is managed by the SEUPB Communications Team -

On this page


The SEUPB currently has the following social media accounts:

These list is subject to change – please contact for an up to date comprehensive list of SEUPB social media accounts.


Tweets and other posts on social media on behalf of the SEUPB may include alerts about the following:

  • Project updates
  • Press releases about SEUPB or funded projects
  • New content published on the website 
  • Promotion of Your EU – the quarterly newsletter of the SEUPB
  • Event information and on occasion live tweeting from events including text, photography and video
  • Job vacancies 
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Promotion of the PEACE Programmes Learning Platform
  • Invitations to input to consultations
  • News or information relating to funding calls
  • Engagement with stakeholders
  • Information published by EU institutions that relate to Programmes managed by the SEUPB
  • Any other issue the SEUPB considers appropriate 

The above is not an exhaustive list.


The SEUPB social media accounts will be updated and monitored during normal office hours. Our social media accounts may occasionally be unavailable, during this time we accept no responsibility for lack of service due to this downtime. 

Who we follow

The following of any SEUPB social media account, does not automatically equate a follow back. The SEUPB will use hashtags and mention other social media accounts where appropriate. 

Following, tagging, the use of hashtags, retweeting/sharing of posts or the mention of other accounts by the SEUPB does not imply endorsement of any kind.


Abusive comments

Abusive or spam posts will result in accounts or users being blocked and reported directly to channel administration.


While we welcome engagement, comments and feedback on our social media posts, SEUPB does not accept responsibility for the content of any comment received from accounts not managed by the SEUPB and reserves the right to remove comments that: 

  • Contain abusive, obscene, indecent or offensive language, or link to obscene or offensive material 
  • Are designed to cause nuisance to the page administrator or other users 

For serious and/or persistent breaches of this moderation policy, we reserve the right to prevent users from posting further comments.

The SEUPB is unable to reply individually to all messages and comments we receive on any of our social media channels.

Please be aware, if you ‘like’, ‘share’ or ‘comment’ on any of our posts this will be publicly available. Usernames of followers are publicly available on our social media channels. We may use your contact information (social media handle/username) to respond to any messages or comments that you send to the SEUPB. If you post publicly on social media, we may share/retweet your post with our followers. 

We may also receive information about you from third parties, such as other social media users if they mention, tag or share a photo of you. When we upload content to social media we may also tag, share photos and content.

You may unsubscribe/unfollow the SEUPB social accounts at any stage.

If you wish us to exercise any of your statutory rights under EU or UK GDPR, please contact us directly at 

Please note that sending a message via any social media platform will not be considered as contacting the SEUPB for official information request purposes, such as Freedom of Information (FOI) queries. You can however make a Subject Access Request under EU or UK GDPR using our social media channels. 

The SEUPB Social media accounts are not a point of contact for media enquiries, these should be directed to the press office in the first instance.

We do, however, reserve the right to comment on inaccurate coverage or comment.

The SEUPB reserves the right to modify or change these conditions at any time.

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Keep up to date with our latest calls, project results & activities, programme news & events. We won't clutter up your inbox, we'll only email you when we've got something important to share!