Child and Young Person Friendly Privacy Notice

The purposes why SEUPB collect and use personal data, how the data is disclosed, how long it is kept, and the controller's legal basis for processing.

Who are we?

The Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) is a cross-border body which manages funding received from the EU as well as the UK and Irish governments for projects in Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland. The funding managed by SEUPB helps to protect and preserve the peace process and provides opportunities for building prosperity and promoting reconciliation across communities in Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland.

What is a Privacy Notice?

A Privacy Notice tells you how we use, collect and store your personal data as well as your rights in relation to your data.

This Privacy Notice is designed to be read by children and young people. You can access our more detailed Privacy Notice here.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information that relates to you and can identify you such as your name, address, email address or photograph.  

There are certain types of data we must be extra careful with. These are known as special category data. This could be something like what religion you are or whether you have a particular health condition. 

What information do we collect about you?

Information we collect may include the following:

  • Your name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • Your email address
  • Your image
  • Your voice recording
  • Your contact details
  • Your postcode
  • Contact details for your parents/carers/guardians
  • Information about health conditions or disabilities that we need to know about to keep you safe or enable you to take part in activities 
  • Information about your ethnic origin, sexual orientation or religion.

How do we collect the information?

1) Information you provide to us

We collect personal information directly from you (or from your parent/guardian/carer) for example through photography or filmed testimonies or via consent forms for participation in events/activities; when you visit our website or when you communicate with us by email, letter, social media or over the phone. 

2) Information we receive from others

We may also receive information about you from the funded project organisations such as local authorities, schools, public sector bodies, voluntary groups and community sector organisations. 

How do we look after your data?

We have a team of trained individuals who help us make sure we are protecting your data and following the law.  If you want to ask any questions about the information we collect please contact using any of the following contact details:-

Address: Special EU Programmes Body

  7th Floor

  The Clarence West Building

  2 Clarence Street West


  BT2 7GP


Telephone:  028 9026 6660

Who do we share your data with?

Sometimes we have to share your information with other people however we’re very careful about how we do this and they must also protect your data. We have agreements in place with anyone we share your information with, to protect your data.

Examples of people we might need to share your data with include:

  • Our staff members
  • Government departments, including our sponsor departments
  • Non-governmental bodies
  • The European Commission 
  • Our professional advisors

As a public authority, controller and cross-border body, we receive information requests under the North South Implementation Bodies and Tourism Ireland Ltd Freedom of Information Code of Practice, and the EU and UK GDPR. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and we will only disclose your information where we are legally required to do so.

Where do we keep your data?

We keep your data safe and we make sure our computers, files and buildings are secure.

We also keep information on a system called the Joint Electronic Monitoring System (“JeMS”) which is a secure online database that we use to communicate with our project applicants and beneficiaries, such as your local community group, club or school. We always make sure they know our rules first before using JeMS so that your data is protected. There is more detailed information on the JeMS system in our full Privacy Notice.

Information such as your name or photograph may also appear on the PEACE Programmes Learning Platform. This is a digital library where we keep lots of information relating to previous PEACE Programmes in order that people may learn about the different experiences of those who have delivered PEACE funded projects.

Full details of the PEACE Programmes Learning Platform can be found on our full Privacy Notice and also on our website at

How do we use your data?

We use your information for the following purposes:

1) Task carried out in the public interest

Where we need to use your information in order for us to perform a task in the public interest or for our official functions, such as making decisions in relation to funding applications received from local groups; to help us monitor and evaluate our projects and programmes, or whenever we need to provide information to government bodies.

2) Consent

Some of the information we receive may be provided through consent provided by you or through consent provided by your parent/carer/legal guardian. For example, when we use your data for publicity and marketing activities to help promote the funding programmes and raise awareness of potential funding opportunities. If this happens, either SEUPB or your local community group/club/school will tell you how your data will be handled and we will not process your data in any way you would not expect. 

If we ask for your consent to use your personal data, you can take back this consent at any time. You just need to tell us or the project you are connected to. This can be done by emailing and we will cease any future processing. Or alternatively, please speak to project staff and they will inform us.

How do we protect your data?

We keep your information safe and secure and when it is no longer needed, we delete this. Our staff members are trained to handle your data with care and only certain staff members will have access to your information, particularly if this information includes any sensitive data, such as your race, religion, or health.

Transfers of data

Sometimes we may need to transfer your personal information outside of the EU and/or the UK. We will only do this where the law says we can.

How long we keep your data for?

We only keep your information for as long as we need to. When this is no longer required, we make sure to delete this safely. 

Your rights

You have the same rights as adults in relation to your information and you can ask us for the following details in relation to your data:

  • You can ask to see the information we hold about you
  • You can ask us to correct your information if you think it’s wrong or incomplete
  • You can object to us processing your information 
  • You can ask us to delete information we hold about you 
  • You can ask us to only use your information in certain ways
  • You can ask us to transfer your information to someone else
  • You can take back consent for us to process your data

Please contact our Information Management team if you want any of the above information or if you have a question in relation to how we handle your data.  Contact details are outlined at the 'How we look after your data' section above. 


Please contact us at if you have any concerns or complaints in relation to how we handle your data. You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to make a complaint. The ICO is an independent organisation set up to protect people’s rights in relation to their data. You can contact the ICO by clicking on the following link:- 

If you live in the Republic of Ireland, you can contact the Data Protection Commission (DPC) in order to raise a concern or complaint using the following link:- 

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