Investment Area 1.1 - Co-designed Local PEACEPLUS Action Plans

The SEUPB are now accepting applications to the PEACEPLUS Programme, Investment Area 1.1 – Co-designed Local PEACEPLUS Action Plans.


Action Plans will be produced for each of the 17 local authority areas across the Programme Area.  These will be designed to complement the community planning structures introduced across the Programme Area.  The plans will be centred around three core themes:

  1. Local community regeneration and transformation;
  2. Thriving and peaceful communities; and
  3. Building respect for all cultural identities.

Objective of this Call

This Investment Area will enable and empower PEACEPLUS partnerships to self-determine and deliver priority projects on a cross-community basis. These will result in improved, shared and inclusive local services, facilities and spaces; and make a significant and lasting contribution to peace and reconciliation.

It will result in development of PEACEPLUS Action Plans which benefit the Programme Area as follows:

  • The creation of sustainable, inclusive and cross-community partnerships, which will make a significant contribution to the community planning process and peacebuilding in the Programme Area;
  • Community ownership of the PEACEPLUS Action Plans and ongoing engagement throughout their delivery;
  • The management of significant and sustained cross-community collaboration at the local level to deliver established development priorities; and
  • The inclusion of all local areas across the Programme Area, including those who may not previously have participated within PEACE Programme activities.

€110m is available in this call. This call has now closed. The SEUPB cannot accept applications after the closing date.

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